Sunday, August 22, 2010

Coach's Oats

I love oatmeal!  I especially love oatmeal with a bit of brown sugar and slices of banana added to the top.  If you've never experienced this, do it!  When it comes to oatmeal, steel cut is the way to go, but there's one drawback...It takes about 30 minutes to cook steel cut oats.  Bummer.  Now comes Coach's Oats!  I found this oatmeal at Costco and was smitten when I tried the sample.  These are oat groats that are toasted and then broken into pieces, thus creating a steel cut flavor and texture with a cooking time of no more than 5 minutes.  This is the best news ever!  This is, by far, my favorite instant oatmeal.  Thank you Costco.

I just have one bone to pick with Costco.  They also carried the Coach's Multi-grain pancake mix and it was even more impressive than the oatmeal.  These pancakes were the perfect flavor.  The reason I say "were" is because Costco no longer carries them.  Why do you do this to me Costco?  You may go to Coach's website, which is very informative, but the pancake mix must be very special.  You must call the company if you have inquiries about the pancake mix.  I never thought I'd ever have to call a company about pancake mix in my lifetime.  So, I tried to recreate this pancake tonight using 4 different grains, but the results were not up to par.  Not bad, but not great either.  Does anyone out there have a great multi-grain pancake recipe?  If so, please do share!

*Please note:  Heidi is on an amazing vacation to Europe for the next 2 weeks so, more than likely, she will have some interesting, fun blogs when she gets home.  Can't wait!  'Til then, you're stuck with me blogging about oatmeal!  I sure hope she's having fun!


  1. I looked for these at Sam's Club and it's not there! I'll need someone to pick me up some Coach's Oats on their next trip to Costco. I love you and your oatmeal, too!

  2. I have never even heard of steel cut! I'm going to have to try it out! And PS...we love hearing about oatmeal! Especially if it's from you!
