Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love everything about it. The food, the season, the weather. Love. It. All. This year was no disappointment. We were able to spend a rare day together as a family (my husband is a full time student, so he essentially lives at school.) We traveled over the desert highway and through the cactus to my in-laws home. We enjoyed a fantastic dinner (which I had absolutely no part in preparing...I did the dishes comparison as I definitely know how many hours go into preparing a meal of the sort. Thank you Marilyn and Aunt Janet -- it was delicious!!!) We enjoyed lots of relaxing and visiting. We even got to Skype with Uncle Steve (my husband's brother who is home for the next couple weeks on his R&R leave -- he is in the military and currently fulfilling his deployment in Afghanistan.) He surprised his wife and children last Sunday with his arrival. So exciting!!!

For the past few years, Thanksgiving night always ends with a few pieces of pie, and Black Friday shopping. Yes, my friends, I participate in the madness. Traditionally, we only hit the outlet malls, but this year, we stopped in at Target too. Madness!!! Lynsee was not into the craziness of the crowds (the line wrapped almost all the way around our Target store). She decided to wait outside and let my friend Tricia and I brave the masses. We were an excellent team -- she manned the cart as I darted in and out of aisles grabbing our goods. We were done and out of there in 25 minutes flat. Then, it was off to the outlets. We were slightly disappointed with the sales, but somehow I ended up coming home with a few shopping bags full of stuff. At one point I remember talking to Lynsee and fully realizing that I could no longer make rational decisions about what I was buying. Do you think that is why the stores stay open all night? They know you will buy because you literally cannot think straight?? It was amazing.
Biggest score of the night? My rotating waffle iron from Kohls: $9.99 -- originally $69.99. Oh yeah!
Overall, I love Thanksgiving, not only for the traditions, but because I love having another reason to reflect upon my life and how blessed I am. I love my family, both immediate and extended. We are healthy. Our basic needs are met. We are surrounded by wonderful friends. Nothing to complain about at all.
Happy Thanksgiving!!