
Monday, February 7, 2011

Little Lady Lingerie

Just a few weeks ago my niece came to visit us here in AZ.  When it was time for PJ's to be put on she came down in one of these sweet nightgowns.  My 3 year old daughter immediately fell in love and has been wanting one ever since.  My niece's grandmother was the thoughtful gifter of this beautiful nightgown and my sister-in-law did not know exactly where she had found it.  The only information she had was that it was named Little Lady Lingerie.  With Valentine's Day around the corner I thought this would be the perfect gift for our little lady.  My search was on!

I am pleased to inform you that I have found the creative seamstress of these nightgowns and you are able to purchase them online.  If you are in the Utah area they are also sold at The Quilted Bear and a couple of other shops.  Take a peek at her blog and you must, must to watch the 2nd video down from the top!  Have some tissues handy just in case!


  1. There is one of the best selling lingerie website , very many styles, good quality and cheaper prices.
