
Friday, October 8, 2010

Weekend Plans

The weather here in Arizona is finally, finally, finally cooling off. I'm not sure what the temperature is, but I do know that it's not in the triple digits and that I can stand comfortably outside without being covered in sweat. Hooray!

This week has been insanely busy for me. Now that things are winding down, I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend with my family. My kids are still all very young and get really excited for every holiday. I try to decorate and do fun activities with them, mainly because I love their innocence and how the smallest things can make them so very excited. I am thinking about making these little pizza mummies or these banana ghosts (I love the Family Fun website).

My children also adore books, so I am thinking of starting this cute tradition that I saw on Design Mom's website, which involves reading spooky stories by candlelight before bedtime. One of our favs is Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson.Finally, I should probably start thinking about tackling this:
Yep, that's what happens when you aren't home pretty much all week. Lots o' laundry. Yikes!

Have a good weekend everyone! What are your fun plans?


  1. I love the banana and mini pizza ideas. Super cute!!!!!

    ~The Mama Monster

  2. We are back from the pool & were the only ones there with 8 lifeguards. Tomorrow will be a hayride in Georgia.
